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Monday, April 12, 2010

The Humility of Christ

Christ did not come to this earth to be served, He came to serve, we are commanded to be like Christ, that means that we need to start serving others, just like Jesus Christ the Son of God did. It is time to serve!When we think of Jesus Christ, we usually think of what He has done for us, He died on the cross, we think about Christmas because that is when we celebrate His birth, we think about many things but rarely do we think about his humility, it is a rare thing for our thoughts to be taken to the way that He humbled Himself in order to come to Earth for us. How He put Himself through complete humiliation on our behalf. Maybe it is time that we start thinking along those lines.

One of the first things that Christ did for us was taking our form…just imagine, the Creator took on the form of His creation, it would be like us drawing some little stick figures on a piece of paper and then transforming ourselves into one of those stick figures, I mean, we would never do that, what do we care if those little stick figures got tossed into the garbage? When we compare the human body and the human spirit to the complexity and power of the Almighty God, we can say that we are nothing more then little stick figures next to Him. And Jesus Christ came and became one of us.

"But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man." Philippians 2:7

We can see that Christ was obedient to his earthly parents…can you imagine that, here is Jesus Christ, part of the Trinity, Jesus Christ also called God the Son, and He listened and was obedient to his mom and dad here on earth…it is truly amazing! Here we have the Creator obeying the created, all for the ultimate purpose of saving us and them from the fires of hell.

"And he went down with them, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart." Luke 2:51

When Jesus Christ became a grown man, He still did not stop humiliating himself for the sake of mankind, we can see in the next verse how He came to give his life for us…He came to die for the stick figures, not so they could serve Him, but so that He could die for them and save their eternal souls from fire.

"Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28

"He riseth form the supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wash them with the towel wherewith he was girded." John 13:4, 5

Not only does He come to die for us, but He also makes Himself as a servant while He spent His time on earth…Christ served others not only through giving His life for them but also in serving them. When we take a closer look at the life of Christ, there are so many valuable lessons that are to be learned from Him about Christian living!

Too many times in our life here on earth have we done nothing more then look out for our own interest, how many times have we done nothing more then think of ourselves? Somebody once said that it is very curious how when our fellow Christian is enjoying the blessings of the Lord, we are no longer such good friends with him anymore, rather we start backbiting and saying that he must be doing something in the flesh to have such a good life, and when our brother does go through a trial we are all too quick to accuse him of being under the punishment of God for the good life he was enjoying earlier.

We need to stop and take a good look at ourselves, are we serving Christ? Are we serving those around us the way Christ did? Or are we standing here looking after number one, thinking only of ourselves? When was the last time you gave to the poor, when was the last time you helped out a brother or sister in need?

May we find our satisfaction in helping others as Jesus helped us!
By Claudia Miclaus

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