Once saved, our body is the temple of the Holly Spirit, but why are we getting old and eventually die? Shouldn’t our body be instantly saved too?Salvation is like a tree. The most important thing is to plant it in your yard. Without that nothing matters. This is accepting Jesus; this is the salvation of the spirit.
After that, every tree will need some pruning, so that the fruit will come more abundantly. This is the salvation of the soul, when we take care of our ego, not cleaning it, but trying to remove its powers, living not for the flesh, but for God. Doing that, we can wait for the results: the fruits. Our believing in Jesus and our living for Him will come as a result, which is the final harvest: Glorification.
God not only justified you - He released you from the guilt of sin
God not only sanctifies you - He releases you from the power of sin
God will not only glorify you - He will release you from the presence of sin.
Glorification is going to happen when the believer will rise to the sky to meet the Lord.
In order to understand the word "glorification" we first need to understand the word "glory". This word is not to much used in our daily conversations, that is why it is a little bit peculiar. The word "glory" includes the idea of harvesting. The farmer meets many disappointments when he works during the summer; many times it is hot, he is thirsty or hungry; on the field he might meet snakes, bees, flies. But, in spite of all these, the time of harvest is always a time of happiness and joy; it is a glorious time for the farmers. This illustration shows us what the real meaning of the word "glory" is. Jesus spoke about a harvest at the end of times. Inn Matthew 13:30 we read: " and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn."
Glorification is the action when God transforms the body of the believer, into one without capability to sin.
The glorified believer will be released forever from the presence of sin (1 John 3:2). Then it will be only happiness, joy, peace, and a lot of singing. The suffering and the trials of this life may be painful, but the sum of it all doesn't mean anything compared to the final glory (Rom. 8:18).
"Are you saved?" Concerning your spirit you may say yes. But is your soul saved? Is your body saved? Are the bad thoughts you have against you neighbor a proof that your soul is saved? Is the hatred inside your heart a proof that you are saved? How about your eyes? Are they saved? When your heart is telling you to watch filthy movies, and your hands turn on the TV and your eyes watch it, is that proof of a saved soul and body?
How can you say that your soul has been saved when your thoughts are bad? Of course, the spiritual war is very much present and if your enemy attacks, your mind can also be attacked by evil thoughts you can’t control. However, I mean here the normal situations when you can control your mind very well but still you choose to have hateful thoughts instead of Godly thoughts.
How can anybody claim that his body has been saved when day after day he becomes older and weaker? Is the end of a saved body in the hands of some maggots? Your body will decompose and will stink; that is not the sign of a saved body to me.
The Bible says that the way we must worship God is in spirit and truth. Why? Can't you see? The spirit is saved, and cannot sin anymore, and the truth is the Word of God which is 100% perfect.
"Because Your loving kindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips" (Psalm 63:3-5)
"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing ".1 Timothy 2:8
May God sanctify and clean our whole being and may Jesus keep us safe until that day when we see Him face to face when our bodies will be transformed in a perfect one!
By Claudia Miclaus
Monday, April 12, 2010
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